Electrical Safety For Kids
Expert Tips

Kids are born with a naturally energetic and curious mindset. This allows them to get into everything and anything, especially things you don’t want them to do. Children who aren’t adequately taught and watched over can suffer from severe injury or fatal consequences. A parent’s responsibility is to do whatever they can to ensure a child’s safety, especially regarding electricity.
When a child comes in contact with electricity, depending on the severity of the electric shock, they can become electrocuted. Electrocution can have minor to fatal injuries and needs to be stressed when teaching children the dangers of electricity.
Children should not be afraid of electricity because it’s an incredible resource to have. You simply need to teach your children electrical safety rules so they can stay safe when it comes to electricity and any electrical devices they encounter. Children should be aware of the top electrical hazards of wires, outlets, light bulbs, electrical appliances, and outdoor electricity. Teaching your children these electrical safety tips will help prevent any electrical accidents.
Electrical Outlets
Electrical outlets, also known as electrical sockets, are one of the most common concerns regarding electrical safety and young children. Children seem to be innately drawn to outlets and stick items and objects into their holes, particularly metal objects, which can cause electrocution depending on the thing. If you have a lot of outlets within reach of children in your home, ensure they are tamper-resistant receptacles or they are appropriately covered up.
Tamper-resistant receptacles stop objects other than electrical plugs from being inserted into an outlet. They have been required in new residential builds and renovations since 2008 as part of common electrical safety tips. If you have a newer home, you will likely have these installed. If not, or if you are unsure, your outlets can be inspected, and new ones can be installed if needed by an electrician.
Another electrical safety tip for outlets is to have outlet protectors put into all outlets within reach of young children. These affordable outlet protectors are only effective if they are remembered to be put back in place after the outlet has been used.
Electrical Wires
The typical electrical danger when it comes to electrical wires is that they can fray. Fraying on either end of a wire can occur due to time or however the wire is kept in the home. If a wire becomes pinched or bent against the wall or because of furniture, it can cause the outer casing to break open and expose the wire.
Children are explorers, and since they are low to the ground, they can easily find these wires if they are not constrained. These frayed wires can harm young children if they are exposed because of overheating, the sharpness of the wires, or through an electric shock if there is a current running through the wires.
Wires from extension cords, electrical appliances, or any kind of electrical cord can become frayed if not handled with care. It is recommended to keep your electrical wires close to your walls. If you have any wire running through the middle of a room or a doorway, it’s another child safety concern as they could trip and fall and cause more harm. Keep wires out of well-traveled areas throughout your home. If you have an electrical wire that has become frayed, have the wire replaced by either yourself or a professional electrician, do not simply repair the wire.
Light Bulbs
Check your lights for these electrical safety tips. Any bulbs used in a child’s room should be LED and produce lower heat so they are not burning to the touch. Make sure that there are no light bulbs touching blankets, curtains, stuffed animals, scattered clothes, or books in a child’s room or the rest of our house.
Allow your young children to change a light bulb only under adult supervision, never by themselves. While doing so, you can teach your children electrical safety tips while encouraging them to build lifelong skills.
Electrical Appliances
Almost all appliances within a home run on electricity. Appliances, gadgets, and all electrical equipment, in general, have electrical safety rules attached. It’s crucial for parents and adults to teach young children how to correctly use these electrical appliances and how to maintain home safety with them.
The most significant danger of electrical appliances is if the device comes in contact with water or produces static electricity that can shock someone. Some appliances that need extra caution are hair dryers, toasters, radios, and other similar-sized electrical equipment. These electrical appliances can cause severe static electricity when they come in contact with water because they produce high voltage when attached to a regular outlet. A way to combat this issue is to have ground fault circuit interrupters (GFCI) outlets installed in bathrooms and kitchens. A GFCI outlet stops the electrical current if it detects a problem with the plugged appliance.
GFCI outlets have become a standard in all newer homes, but older homes may still need to be updated so they are up to date with electrical safety. If you need GFCI outlets or any kind of outlet installation, call a licensed electrician to do the job!
Outdoor Electricity
Outdoor electrical safety issues are not as common as household electrical issues, but they are safety tips and warning signs that are still worth mentioning and teaching children about.
When driving down any road nowadays, your child might see the long strips of power lines and ask what they are. It’s important to teach your children what a power line is, its purpose, and the dangers of electricity and powerlines.
Children should never play near power lines or have any toy, such as a fly kite, go near a powerline. Powerlines constantly have an electrical current flowing through them and can cause severe harm if they come in contact. A downed power line is even more dangerous, and children need to stay as far away from them as possible.
Other outdoor electrical equipment a child may come in contact with is a transformer, conductor, or an entire electric substation. When it comes to any outdoor electrical equipment, it’s best to teach your children to stay away and leave it all to the professionals.
Electricity is convenient and helps us enjoy safer, happier, healthier homes. However, it can also be dangerous if misused. Ensure your children are aware of the dangers and the simple precautions so they can stay safe. If you are concerned about your home and any electrical safety issues, call or contact Xcalibur Services today and have one of our licensed electricians review your home and provide any recommendations.
Published: April 16th. 2020